Tuesday, 9 November 2010

research of 3 magazines (front pages)


L-the camera angle is at a low angle the reason i think, the company of this magazine did this is because they wanted to give the male on the front of the magazine a sense of being powerful and dominant. The magazine front page also has a house style Kerrang's front page layout is the same all the time it always has the same mas head.
I-The institution of the magazine is Kerrang however it is published by Bauer_Verlagsgruppe, the reason i think they made this magazine is because the know it will sell the company know there is a group of people who will buy this magazine because of the music which is listed in the magazine.
I-kerrang issues a new magazine every week.therefore their audience gets news fast and at a cheep price.i think this front page shows a message that the magazine is for people who like the sort of bands who are on the front cover and for people who agree with he statement which is stated at the top right of the magazine "Life is loud".
A-i think the Target audience for this magazine is mainly students and people who don't have much money to spend on expensive magazines as the magazine is only £2.10.This magazine would probably relate more to the male gender than the female because the layout of the magazine just looks like it would be for a male magazine.
R- This front page represents its audience as people who aspire to be more like the male on the front page.

L-This magazine front page shows a medium close up shot the reason i think the magazine company have done this is because they wanted to show the expression on the Jonas brothers faces.The rolling stones magazine has a house style the background is usually always white and has a red title with a black and white outline.
I-Rolling stones magazine is produced and founded by Jann Wenner she founded the magazine in 1967.
I-as the rolling stone magazine  is a weekly magazine the news is reported out to it audience fairly quickly  and the paper which it is printed on to is a low quality . However if it was a month magazine it would have more quality. the paper quality would be better and the information in the magazine would be better because the magazine company would have a full month to get lots of celebrity information.
A-I think the main audience for this magazine is teenage girls because the Jonas brothers are well known for movies such as camp rock 1 & 2 which is targeted at  a younger audience they are also know for there album -lines vines and trying times and for their movie the Jonas brothers concert live.
i think young teenage girls around the age of 14-16 are going  to buy this magazine because of the Jonas brothers been on the front page
R- The front page represents its audience by young teenage girls wanting to know the ins and outs of a celebrity lifestyle and what its like inside a Jonas brothers life.

L-think this magazine shows a medium close up shot.the reason i think the magazine company did this was to show the audience the fresh new face and new appearance of a new artist, i think they also did it to show the emotion and facial expression on Lady Gagas face. The magazine Q has shown they have a house style by there title which  is always the same i know this because i saw an image on http://www.google.com/ which showed my lots of different font pages of Q magazine . this shows that Q magazine have a house style which they stick to.

Q like old rockers

I-Q is produced by Bauer it was first issued in October 1986.
I- Q magazine is a monthly magazine therefore the quality of the magazine is very goo. the paper is photographic paper
A-I think the audience for this issue of Q is lady gaga fans, so i think the gender is mixed because she appeals to both genders because she is a controversial artist both genders like her music.her fans are usually aged at about 13 upwards.however this magazine is Q it is monthly and its expensive it is priced about £3.99 therefore teenagers probably wont spend £3.99 on a magazine  so i think people who are in work and have a secure job will probably buy this magazine.
R-i think Q represents Lady Gagas outburst in the music industry.i think it represents the audience wanting to know who lady gaga is , where she came from, what she is going to be known for,  and her wild taste in fashion . The subheading say moveover Madonna LADY GAGA has risen this could mean lady gaga is going to be represented as the new Madonna.

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