Tuesday, 23 November 2010

3 double page spreads.

 This double page spread is from NME.
L- I think the layout of the double page spread is a really good way of showing who is being talked about in the article. I think by using the pages as a photogra[ph with florence at the side of the aricle shows the artcile is about her.the cametra angle is slightly below her i think this gives the impression she is powerful .
I-the instiution of the magazine is nme which is produced by ipc.
I-i tyhink the messgae behing this article is floerence this that the USA has got the love however florence has a song called "youve got the love " so mabie this means  as nme is an american based magazine mabie its saying that nme have the love for florence.
A-the audience for this magaziene is people who like florence and the machine and peiople who religiously buy this magaizne every week i think the magaizine is amined at possibly teenagers  male and female
R--by looking at the doble page spread  i think it look like the magazine is represdenting the usa howver i think it is represing floernce and her love for america therefore i think it also represents the audience as ameicans  having love for music.
This is a double page spread from Kerrang
L-I think the layout of this double page spread is really busy and crowded with images of the band. i think way kerrang have set out the double page spread is a good way of showing who the article is about.on the main image the camera angle is a midshot the reason i think kerrang did this to the article is because they wanted to show the emotion in the artists face. however there are other small inserted images 2 of the images are close ups and the ther one is a zoomed out image of the band.
I-the instituion is kerrang which is produced by BAUER
I-the message behind this double page spread is as a band MCR  are trying there best to be the best band they can be.
A-i think the target audiecne in this magaizine is males and females who like my chemical romance and who are probibly aged between 16 upwards.
R-This magazine represnets my chemical romance and i think it might represnt there fans who aspire to be like the band .

Language-the layout of the magazine is very organised, the tilte takes up half the A4 page situatted on the right hand side of the page kerrang also do this, the photograph takes up the whole page and there is also a sun like picture situated in the article this might be to give the impression of mabie america as its usually always sunny and the people from america are well known for having small pampered dogs.it could give the impression to thee audiecne all femal djs are "Lame" or dont really care about the music just the glamourous lifestyle.
Instition-this magazine is called mix mag it is published by ....this particaular double page spread it set out across two pages and the majority of the page is a photoograph then fetured in the right hand corner there is small article of what the title "welcome to lame academy"is all about. the reason the main title welocme to the lame acedmy stands out is because there is a bright colour behind the writing which is very eyecatching to the reader, it also takes up half an A4 page therefore this makes it clear to the reader where the title is.
Ideology-in this double page spread the title welcome to the lame academy i think is an abrevration of the fame acemey as we can see from the article the celeb in the picure she looks very glamourous she looks followed from the papartizi.Mix Mag is a weekly magazine for people injoy dj and dance music.
Audience -i think the audience for people who read mix max is people who enjoy dj and dance music or people who aspire too be a dj.therefore i think this magazine is more for males then females howevr some females may be interested in this magzine i think the age range is about 16-20 i think the magazine is aimed at students as the price is fairly cheep at the price of ... i think this also influences the audience
Rrepresentation: i think mix mag represnets females by making the audience think all celebrity djs care about is how they look and how they represent themselves in the media.

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