Friday, 19 November 2010

LIIAR on contents pages

L-The layout on Q magazine is relatively organised compared to kerrang.The magazine Q has a house style on every page. The contents page has been planned out carefully including the positioning of the text and images.
I-the institution of the magazine is Q it is published by BAUER.
I-this magazine is aimed at people who like quality and obviously the magazine is called Q which could signify quality as an audience we see the quality of the magazine is very good as the magazine is coated the front page.
A-i think the type of audience who would buy this magazine is people who have the money to spend £3.99 on a magazine.
R-this magazine is represented as a smart magazine, it is set out neatly and it has all the media elements.

L-the title is featured at the top of the page the picture is of center and the text is at the sides and the bottom.this is a typical contents page i think the contents page has been planned out well and i think the organisation of the contents page is good.
I-the institution of this magazine is NME it is published by ipc
I-This magazine is aimed at people who  are probably students so the cost of the magazine needs to be fairly low so they can afford to buy it. i think the message behind this contents page is that the magazine is there to provided great information on gigs and music festivals ect
A-I  think the audience who would buy this magazine is people who have a passion and like for this type of music magazine. I think the audiecne will most probably be students male and female aged from 15 upwards.
R-I think this contents page represents music and music venues however i think it also represents its readers as people who enjoy music looking at the font of the contents page it looks like it is representing people who like soft rock / rock bands.

L-The layout of this contents page is very simple however i think it is very over crowded and looks really busy i think kerrang have done this because by making it look busy makes it look eye catching.
I-The institution of this magazine is BAUER the same company as Q,i think BAUER produced who magazine s of generally the same genre because they may have wanted to have one magazine of a good quality which is expensive and one at a low quality with a small price because then they get more readers and more buyers and they earn more money.
I-i think the message behind this contents page is MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE is back they have been away for a couple of years but they are back now with a new sound for there fans. i also think the message behind it is all the old bands who were big eg my chemical romance and green day and now back .
A-I think the main audiecne who buy this magazine is people who like rock music male and females probably aged 16 and upwards my reason for thinking this is because people who are 14  probabily never listened to my chemical romance when they werre well known, were as people who are 16 probabily listened to them .

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