Friday, 5 November 2010


L-language-camera angle,layout,imagery,conventions,codes,researching other magazines, researching  consistency in magazines positioning of the camera , distance.

I-institution-who produced the magazine and why, media texts are made to make money, synergy.

I-ideology-values,messages, morals,eg

  • NME news fast it comes out every week  its cheep and  the paper quality isn't very good 
  • Q-it comes out monthly its expensive and the paper is photographic paper 

A-audience-defining my target audience age, gender, social class

A-upper middle class - doctors, media consultants highly paid jobs
B- middle class- teachers,police,surveyors
C1-lower middle class-lower civil servants
C2-skilled working class-brick layers, plumbers electricians
D-working class,mcdonalds workers , shop assistants
E-underclass ,unemployed ,pensioners, students

R-representation - representing my target  audience by using my front page to aspire to be like whoever is on the front cover .
re-presenting images and values  presenting society back to us makes us want to be like the person on the front page

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