Thursday 21 October 2010

my short evaluation

Evaluation to my college magazine

Overall I think my magazine went fairly well . I think that I could have improved my work by having a more realistic and interesting background however I am happy with the choices I made. The thinks what I would say went wrong for me where at first when I started to take photographs of my models I didn’t think about what kind of shot I was trying to achieve however when I later looked threw my photos I decided that they didn’t fit my brief so I went out and took some more photographs, my second lot of photographs worked out better .when I had designed my magazine cover I didn’t really think about what effects I was going to use of my front cover I just designed it and liked what I saw on my paper when I later got onto Photoshop I saw the variety of effects I could use I then picked a effect what made some of my word on my front page stand out .

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