Friday 8 October 2010


L - (Language),camera angles, editing (transitions, continuity),narrative ,sound .e.g. soundtracks voice overs -diegetic-non diegetic ,lighting, mise -en - scene.

For my magazine cover i will use different camera angles to get the right shot for my cover and other photos what will be featured on the contents page

I-  (Institution) , who produced and edited it,this can influence:
  • budget
  • representations
  • ideology(avoid moral panics)
I-(Ideology)values ,morals

A-(Audience)different audiences make different readings,target audience (demographic-age,gender,location)
 ( Psychograpics -lifestyle,career)
my Target audience for my magazine cover is mainly for young teens who have a high interest in going to a college which specializes in fashion.

R-(Representation),gender-male,female, males usually represent themselves as being strong however most women are represented as being week,age groups,location,ethnicity,disability,social groups (conservative or challenging)

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