Tuesday, 19 October 2010

second magazine anaylis

L-The camera shot on this magazine front cover is a medium close shot the reason the editors did this is because they wanted to see the emotion of the model to get across to the audience that the model is happy.the lighting of the image is a un natural light.There isn't any scenery on this photograph.
I-the producer of this magazine is college lifestyle I'm assuming it was made on a college camand created by college students.i think its possibly made by college students because it has allot of information which college students may like to know or may be interested in.I also think the magazine may be influence by budget.
I-looking at the headlines and story's around the main photograph i think all the information around it relates to students eg " make money on campus"i think it represents students as always looking for a way to earn money.
A-I think the audience is aimed to be all college students who have an interest in what is in the magazine if the story's around the photo catch there eyes eg they may be intersted in the latest technology which is one of the story's around the photograph.However i don't think females are being represented much in the magazine.therefore i think the main audience is college males.
R-I think with this magazines males are represented more than females as there's nothing on the front page apart from at they bottom of the page where it says "College couture"this is the only think really what will appeal to a female student.It represents the males as popular fashionable men i think it also represents them as being interested in technology and sports.

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