Friday, 15 October 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of the brief

L - language
where the camera is going to be(camera angles,close shots full shot ect , the narrive of my magazine(how the front cover is presented) ,My magazine shot will be a medium close up shot

I- institiuion
who produced the magazine. I will be producing my magazine and contents page, i will also be taking all photos used on my magazine.

The meaning of my magazine will be to show new students what a good college leeds fashion college is, it will also educate them about new things at the college and changes.

my audience will be young ladies and any young men interested in fashion and has a pashion for fashion and designing clothing. my audience will be aged from 16upwards, Any young person from around the world can come to the college based in leeds.

This is how you represent the text.
my magazine is aimed at mainly young ladies who have a high interest in fashion however men can come to the college if they are also very fashion involved.Therefore i will be trying to get my point across to my audience of the magazine you dont have to be female to come to the college.

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