Friday, 15 October 2010

Anaylisis of 1 magazine

L- The camera shot on this magazine is medium close up, they have also edited the background of the image so it looks blurred the reason i think the producer did this because they wanted all the attention on the model and the information around the model.
I- the company of this magazine is called COLLEGE made by an American company.I get the impression that students possible made this magazine as it has headlines of stories on the front page and all of these are things which college students may encounter eg- "shes 15 and pregnant"-"he better hope the sell beer in hell",- "smoking saliva".
I-in the magazine article showed above we see headlines such as "shes 15 and pregnant" "avoid sleeping your way to the top" "smoking saliva" "Tucker Max he better hope they serve beer in hell" all these issues are real life situations which college students may or may not experience in college.
A-the audience for this magazine is all college students i know this because the magazine has situations which college students may is aimed at male and females.
R-males and females are represented in this magazine front cover as females are represented in this magazine as happy young teens.however if we look at the story's around the photograph and represent females on that then females arn't represented very well .Males in this article are represented by males who drink too much beer and I'm assuming that in the storylines around the females photograph that this specific male Tucker Max has done something bad to make the designer of the magazine say something like he better hope they sell beer in hell.
Both males and females are represented as Americans in this article i know this by looking at the front page of the article

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