Thursday, 21 October 2010

my short evaluation

Evaluation to my college magazine

Overall I think my magazine went fairly well . I think that I could have improved my work by having a more realistic and interesting background however I am happy with the choices I made. The thinks what I would say went wrong for me where at first when I started to take photographs of my models I didn’t think about what kind of shot I was trying to achieve however when I later looked threw my photos I decided that they didn’t fit my brief so I went out and took some more photographs, my second lot of photographs worked out better .when I had designed my magazine cover I didn’t really think about what effects I was going to use of my front cover I just designed it and liked what I saw on my paper when I later got onto Photoshop I saw the variety of effects I could use I then picked a effect what made some of my word on my front page stand out .

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

conventions of a magazine

selling line -short,sharp discriptionof the titles main marketing point
cover lines-cosmopoliton use a lot of coverlines which are distributed around the main image without detracting from it too much
barcode -standard barcode used by retailers
main cover line -this is very large taking up about a quarter of the cover areaand comes in three layers each with a different colour. it promotes the use of naked male centerfolds a feautire of cosmopoliton in the uk since its first issue.note it is positioned against the models shoulder so it shows up clearly
coverline -cosmopoliton uses a lot of coverlines which are distributed around the main image without distracting from it too much
model credit -this says shania so hot it is unusual for such a credit to appear on the cover
main image- in the case of this cover there is a single image of the model shania it is used in a classic way,the face is big enough to make an impact on the news stand,with the model making full eye contact.
dateline -month and year of publication often with the price note that a montly magazine usually hits the news stands a month before the cover date
masthead -the name of the magazine displayed in the typeface in which it is designed .this is the visual branding of the title and is usually done in a unique typeface to be very recognisable.

drawn up fonts

my front page plans

my front page so far

Bar codes

Bar codes are always found on magazines do i decided to do some research into differnt types of barcode and how i could create my own barcode by using a online program.

here are some samples of barcodes which i created:

I created these barcodes on

Differenet types of font i am considering.

Different fonts I could possibly use.


Leeds Fashion College

Leeds Fashion College
Leeds FASHION College


Leeds Fashion College

Leeds Fashion College


Leeds Fashion College

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

second magazine anaylis

L-The camera shot on this magazine front cover is a medium close shot the reason the editors did this is because they wanted to see the emotion of the model to get across to the audience that the model is happy.the lighting of the image is a un natural light.There isn't any scenery on this photograph.
I-the producer of this magazine is college lifestyle I'm assuming it was made on a college camand created by college students.i think its possibly made by college students because it has allot of information which college students may like to know or may be interested in.I also think the magazine may be influence by budget.
I-looking at the headlines and story's around the main photograph i think all the information around it relates to students eg " make money on campus"i think it represents students as always looking for a way to earn money.
A-I think the audience is aimed to be all college students who have an interest in what is in the magazine if the story's around the photo catch there eyes eg they may be intersted in the latest technology which is one of the story's around the photograph.However i don't think females are being represented much in the magazine.therefore i think the main audience is college males.
R-I think with this magazines males are represented more than females as there's nothing on the front page apart from at they bottom of the page where it says "College couture"this is the only think really what will appeal to a female student.It represents the males as popular fashionable men i think it also represents them as being interested in technology and sports.

my old photographs

looking back at the photographs I took I'm not very please with them as i don't think they fit the brief very well I had to crop some of my pictures to make them suite the brief but I'm not very pleased with the photos altogether therefore I will be taking some more photographs

Monday, 18 October 2010

New photographs

Today i took some new photographs, these photos are miles better that my previous set of photos because these ones are more sophisticated and they link better to my theme of a fashion college.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Anaylisis of 1 magazine

L- The camera shot on this magazine is medium close up, they have also edited the background of the image so it looks blurred the reason i think the producer did this because they wanted all the attention on the model and the information around the model.
I- the company of this magazine is called COLLEGE made by an American company.I get the impression that students possible made this magazine as it has headlines of stories on the front page and all of these are things which college students may encounter eg- "shes 15 and pregnant"-"he better hope the sell beer in hell",- "smoking saliva".
I-in the magazine article showed above we see headlines such as "shes 15 and pregnant" "avoid sleeping your way to the top" "smoking saliva" "Tucker Max he better hope they serve beer in hell" all these issues are real life situations which college students may or may not experience in college.
A-the audience for this magazine is all college students i know this because the magazine has situations which college students may is aimed at male and females.
R-males and females are represented in this magazine front cover as females are represented in this magazine as happy young teens.however if we look at the story's around the photograph and represent females on that then females arn't represented very well .Males in this article are represented by males who drink too much beer and I'm assuming that in the storylines around the females photograph that this specific male Tucker Max has done something bad to make the designer of the magazine say something like he better hope they sell beer in hell.
Both males and females are represented as Americans in this article i know this by looking at the front page of the article

LIIAR Interpretation of the brief

L - language
where the camera is going to be(camera angles,close shots full shot ect , the narrive of my magazine(how the front cover is presented) ,My magazine shot will be a medium close up shot

I- institiuion
who produced the magazine. I will be producing my magazine and contents page, i will also be taking all photos used on my magazine.

The meaning of my magazine will be to show new students what a good college leeds fashion college is, it will also educate them about new things at the college and changes.

my audience will be young ladies and any young men interested in fashion and has a pashion for fashion and designing clothing. my audience will be aged from 16upwards, Any young person from around the world can come to the college based in leeds.

This is how you represent the text.
my magazine is aimed at mainly young ladies who have a high interest in fashion however men can come to the college if they are also very fashion involved.Therefore i will be trying to get my point across to my audience of the magazine you dont have to be female to come to the college.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

13th october 2010

today i took some photographs for my frontpage of my magazine

Friday, 8 October 2010


L - (Language),camera angles, editing (transitions, continuity),narrative ,sound .e.g. soundtracks voice overs -diegetic-non diegetic ,lighting, mise -en - scene.

For my magazine cover i will use different camera angles to get the right shot for my cover and other photos what will be featured on the contents page

I-  (Institution) , who produced and edited it,this can influence:
  • budget
  • representations
  • ideology(avoid moral panics)
I-(Ideology)values ,morals

A-(Audience)different audiences make different readings,target audience (demographic-age,gender,location)
 ( Psychograpics -lifestyle,career)
my Target audience for my magazine cover is mainly for young teens who have a high interest in going to a college which specializes in fashion.

R-(Representation),gender-male,female, males usually represent themselves as being strong however most women are represented as being week,age groups,location,ethnicity,disability,social groups (conservative or challenging)

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

outline of breif

I am going to be making a magazine cover for the college about fashion, i will be anaylsising two different college  magazines to use the layout in my magazine.i will be developing different ideas for my magazine which may include :
  • photographs
  • research
  • different texts
after the development of my ideas i will be drafting out my magazine  front cover and a contents page.
my drafts will consist of the design of my contents page (image /text positioning)

my evaluation will contain:
  • what worked well
  • what didnt work so well
  • what can be improved (if the positioning of the text doesnt look very right)
  • how can it be improved (the positioning of the text if it is wrong via editing)