Friday 3 December 2010

identifing my audience by using a questonnaire.

i asked a group of 100 people to compleate my survey  this is what i asked them .
                            Thank you for taking the time out to complete this questonnaire.
      This questionnaire is about music and which genres of music and music magazines you like .
                                                     please circle the correct information
                                                                 only circle one answer
what is your age : 10-13   14-17    18-21   22-25  other
which genre do you listen to most :  -pop   - rock  -alternative  -punk  -metal   -R&B - classical  --country -other
    if you read music magazines which do you buy:      - kerrang   -NME  -Q  -top of the pops  -non -other
    who are your favorite artists:        - lady gaga - The wanted - paramore - 30 seconds to mars -the jonas brothers  - mcfly - muse - bring me the horizon  -rage against the machine - kylie mornogue - chris brown - neyo  - the script - forever the sickest kids - the midnight beast  - other
what is a resonable price range for a music magazine :      - £1.90 - £2.20 -£3.90- £4.20 - £5.00 - more
why do you buy magazines :        - for the free thing inside - because who is on the front cover - good stories inside - eyecatching - or you always get it because you enjoy the magazine - free exclusive posters
what draws your attention to a magazine :     - who is fetured in the magazine - who is been interveiwed - the colours on the page which catch your eye- genrally the front page                                                                                        thank you for compleating my questionnaire.i am later going to type up the results from the questonaiires and i will  scan in one of the questionnaires which had been filled in by a volonteer.


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