Thursday 9 December 2010

drafts of front page.

This is my colour draft i like the style and presntion of the magazine however i think as i am doing a pop magazine i think i need to inset some other images and colours to make it more like a pop magazine.


this magazine front cover is more girly and pop magazine like. however i stil prfair the black and red one i think it makes a statement as i am making a pop magazine mainly aimed at young women aged between 14-18i think the black and red one would be acceptable however if i was making this magazine for younger people then the light pink one above would be approprite.
on the black and red front page i think i might make some changes by putting more colour on the front of it mbie a purple or a pink just to clarify to my target audience that  it is a pop magazine and they will be able to tell this from looking at the front page.

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