Friday, 3 December 2010

more into genre

these are 3 of lady gags very loyal fans. some of her fans like the ones in this picture go to the extent of dressing up to look like lady gaga
lady gagas album cover
Q magazine lady gaga did an interveiw for the magazine.
The Wanted
 This is the wanteds second single heart vacency and this is the album cover .
  this is an image which shows a small selcetion of the wanteds fans.
the wanted have featured in many magaiznes such as cosmopolitan, teen now, top of the pops and many other magazines however i found it hard to find a good image to put onto my blog.

i have made a pretty sure decision that i am going to base my magazine on a genre of pop, there are many magazines on the market today which focuss there theme on pop genre such as top of the pops, sugar (however this magazine is for young teens therefore is a typical teen mag with a problems page and fashion guru guide.)billboard is an american based magazine which is very alternative it has a range of dffennt artists in it.

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