Thursday, 16 December 2010

spair photos

i like this photo because i think it made my model mike look really poised and importaint i may use this image

i dont like this photograph very much i dont like the composition and the way my model is posing it doesnt look very professional

i like this photo and may use it on my front page the reason i like it is because it shows how confident my model is

the reason i am not going to use this photo in my magaizine is becasue my model looks too masculine i wanted my model to look softer and feminie therefore this image will not be used

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

my contents page the empty box is for a photograph .


this is my pop magazine so far however im not sure if i think the colour scheme is working with the genre of my magaziene.

Monday, 13 December 2010


In the 1970’s David Bowie had a funny idea. He thought it would be a great idea to name his son Zowie, Zowie Bowie (okay in all fairness Bowie’s real surname is Jones) but the giggles still came. Zowie, an advertising exec, eventually changed his name to Duncan.
this gave me ideas


i really think this name is going to be really good for my artist.

making a start at my fornt page .

i am going to start my front page and take my photographs for my front page on wednesday this will give me time to think about all the aspects of the photo i want to achive

Friday, 10 December 2010

contents page drafts

thinking about my double page spread drafts and ideas

for my souble page spread i was thinking on one side having a large photo showing what he looks like a shot which shows all of his body. then on the other side of the page a interveiw or story about him .

here are some of my drafts and ideas.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

David bowie insperation

i decided to collect some images and photos of david bowie as my front page artsist is going to be a new artist who is going to recreate david bowies sound however the artist is putting a 2010 twist onto his sound .

artist ideas

  • Lady gaga
  • paramore
  • david bowie
  • the wanted
  • pixie lott
  • joe mcelerdry
  • nicole scherizinger
  • the jonas brothers
  • jedward
  • peter andre
  • the black eyed peas
  • jessie j
  • beyonce
for any of these artist i was thinking if they wher on my frotn cover then i would probabily do an interveiw about them and there new single or album.
the reason i have choosen all these artists is becasue they are all well known for there originality.

my target audience

i have decided my target audiecne is for teens ages between 14- 18 mainly aimed at females however it may interest some males.

drafts of front page.

This is my colour draft i like the style and presntion of the magazine however i think as i am doing a pop magazine i think i need to inset some other images and colours to make it more like a pop magazine.


this magazine front cover is more girly and pop magazine like. however i stil prfair the black and red one i think it makes a statement as i am making a pop magazine mainly aimed at young women aged between 14-18i think the black and red one would be acceptable however if i was making this magazine for younger people then the light pink one above would be approprite.
on the black and red front page i think i might make some changes by putting more colour on the front of it mbie a purple or a pink just to clarify to my target audience that  it is a pop magazine and they will be able to tell this from looking at the front page.