Friday 5 November 2010

brief for music magazine

i am going to be making a magazine cover,contents page and double page spread  for a music magazine , i will be anaylsising three different college  magazines to use learn more about how the magazine uses all the conventions.i will be developing different ideas for my magazine which may include : 

  • photographs
  • research
  • different texts
after the development of my ideas i will be drafting out my magazine  front cover  contents page and double page spread i will be doing drafts by hand and computerized drafts, i will also complete mind maps to show my planning 
my front page will contain :

  • a masthead
  • a main image 
  • cover lines 
  • price
  • a barcode 
  • a date line 
my contents page will include page details i will also put small images on there to make it more interesting

my double page spread will either be an interview or a new discovered band or solo artist article.

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