Tuesday, 1 March 2011


overall i think my front page has worked out pretty well, however i think the headline could stand out more to make my front page more effective .i think my photograph on my front page was good as i thought as it covered nearly the whole of the Page i didn't have to over load my front page with un-necessary writing i could just put simple grabbing headlines.i got reviews from 3 people and they agreed with that i should have made certain peices of text a little bit larger for example my mast head as it is a key feature of the magazine my title should have been slightly bigger.i also think if i had more time i would have spent more time editing my photograph for my front page eg enhansing colours in the make up, changing the hue of thingsand testing what my image looks like in black and white.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

spair photos

i like this photo because i think it made my model mike look really poised and importaint i may use this image

i dont like this photograph very much i dont like the composition and the way my model is posing it doesnt look very professional

i like this photo and may use it on my front page the reason i like it is because it shows how confident my model is

the reason i am not going to use this photo in my magaizine is becasue my model looks too masculine i wanted my model to look softer and feminie therefore this image will not be used